
Donate 2 % of your tax to our common Charity

The form can be found at, details for completing the form:
Business name: Organization name: Účelové zariadenie RODINA
Address: Sulovská 2, 821 05 Bratislava
ID: 53465156
Legal form: Purpose-built church facility


donate any amount
Account name: Účelové zariadenie RODINA IBAN: SK7102000000004793703555 SWIFT: SUBASKBX Bank name and address: VÚB, a.s., Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Slovakia

Become a Benefactor Campaign

Support the work as it is being created, support Dobrodina in the Become a Dobrodinac campaign and help us create a dignified home for seniors.

Who are we looking for?
Individual, business or family - anyone who can help.

How can you help?
1. Donate any amount or a higher amount with the help of Donation contract.
2. Retrieved from through a Loan Agreement with yield - We will be happy to send you the loan agreement to your email.
3. Share túto kampaň medzi svojich priateľov na Facebooku a pomôž nájsť ďalších podporovateľov.

What will Your help bring?
- It will help to create a quality facility.
- It will enhance the quality of life for seniors who can live a good life in a caring and kind environment.
- It allows you to become part of a community and a project that makes sense.

Supplementary contract to the cooperation between BJB in SR and the project implementer - Dulos, s. r. o. :
Memorandum of Cooperation between BJB SR and DULOS s.r.o.


For more information, please contact us at: or +421 903 311 822

Thank you, together we can do more.

The Baptist Union of Slovakia provided the plot for the project and released part of the funds from the lease of its land. Additional funds are coming and hopefully will continue to come from donors – benefactors from Slovakia and abroad. We are planning to co-fund the facilities for the elderly and rental apartments with favorable loans from the State Housing Development Fund of Slovakia. For the nursery and the social and health care facility, we will apply for funding from the EU Disaster Recovery Plan or other EU sources. The medical center will be partly funded by a private investor. The project is designed to be self-sustainable in the long term, which means that the amounts charged for the services (together with the contribution from the state or the municipality) will allow for a balanced budget.

Preliminary budget

Facilities for the elderly

EUR 3,5 million

Common areas (kitchen, cafeteria, meeting areas)

EUR 2,4 million

Social and health care facilities

EUR 3,5 million

Rental apartments

EUR 4,3 million


EUR 1,2 million

Medical center

EUR 3,2 million


EUR 18,1 million

Support us

10: Retirement home

20: Kindergarten

30: Community housing

40: Health center

Account name: Účelové zariadenie RODINA IBAN: SK7102000000004793703555 SWIFT: SUBASKBX Bank name and address: VÚB, a.s., Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Slovakia

Or via PayPal code:

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thesalonnians 5:11

Organization name: Účelové zariadenie RODINA
Address: Súľovská 2, 821 05, Bratislava, Slovakia
Company ID: 53465156

tel. +421 903 311 822


Copyright © 2024 Účelové zariadenie RODINA. All rights reserved. Personal data protection policy.
