Key people

The Dobrodina project is supported by many people, but several of them play a central role in the creation of its concept and vision. They are people not only with good intentions, but also with practical experience in this field.

Bea Dobová

is a social worker with all her heart and soul. She is a director of a retirement facility and therefore has enough experience to be able to launch the services in Bernolákovo as well.

Benjamin Uhrin

represents the Church and believes that if the Church wants to be relevant today, it must also come up with new ways to lovingly serve its community.

Pavel Boroš

works in construction project management, and what excites him about the project is how individual ministries can contribute to creating a truly diverse community.

Lea Miklošová

likes to use her gift of understanding spreadsheets and numbers to benefit a good cause and longs to see the Church involved in social services.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thesalonnians 5:11

Organization name: Účelové zariadenie RODINA
Address: Súľovská 2, 821 05, Bratislava, Slovakia
Company ID: 53465156

tel. +421 903 311 822


Copyright © 2024 Účelové zariadenie RODINA. All rights reserved. Personal data protection policy.
