General information
- On 20 February 2025, the Senec Municipality issued a building permit for water structures.
- The municipality of Bernolákovo issued a building permit for the gas and electricity connections.
- Obtained cost estimates for construction work for the entire site and individual trades. Ongoing meetings with contractors to optimize costs and find reserves in the project.
- The construction procedures related to Lekárenská Street are being completed. (relocation of public lighting and high voltage).
- Construction procedures for infrastructure are being initiated in order to permit all utilities to the individual Dobrodina properties, in connection with which negotiations are underway at the Building Authority, the District Office, the District Headquarters of the HaZZ, project modification, etc.
- Construction proceedings are underway for 3 objects: common technical infrastructure; Senior Citizens Home I; Kindergarten (at least two construction proceedings for each object). As a result, building permits will be issued.
- The construction procedure for the road on Lekárenská Street is in progress, together with the relocation of public lighting and high voltage.
- Issued building permit for the object "Local service road Lekárenská Street", including a sidewalk, two lanes and greenery.
- The process of obtaining the consent of affected organisations and government authorities is ongoing.
- The municipality of Bernolákovo is implementing the construction of a public water supply system on Lekárenská Street, which also includes a connection for the Dobrodina project.
- Elaboration of documentation for building permit for common technical infrastructure.
Obtaining planning permission for all buildings:
1. Home for the elderly I, II
2. Community housing
3. Kindergarten
4. Health Centre
Information on individual objects
1. Home for the elderly I and II
- Elaboration of documentation for the building permit for the building of the Home for the elderly II.
2. Community housing
- Working meetings and consultations with experts on the implementation of this type of housing, the creation of a financial model, etc.
3. Kindergarten
- Sending an application for inclusion of the Kindergarten in the network of schools and school facilities of the Slovak Republic.
- Completion of the preparation of documentation, including the school educational programme for the implementation of pre-primary education in accordance with Section 7 (4) of Act No. 245/2008 Coll. on Education and Training (Education Act), for the inclusion of the school in the network of schools and school facilities of the Slovak Republic.
- Elaboration of documentation for the building permit for the building of the kindergarten.
- Establishment and registration of a separate legal entity DOBRODINA - kindergarten at the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
- Registration of the status of the special-purpose facility DOBRODINA - kindergarten at the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
4. Health Centre
- A working meeting was held with pharmacists to set up a pharmacy financial model.
- Working meetings with doctors are being prepared.
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