The accommodation will include single and double bedrooms with wheelchair access and en-suite facilities. There will be a kitchenette, therapy rooms and a meeting area for visitors on each floor.
The intention of the Dobrodina project is to create a vibrant and diverse environment where different types of communities come together, and housing is a very organic part of the overall design. We do not aim at developing institutional social care facilities only, but want to promote traditional and natural relationships that emerge in neighborhoods. The plan is to build 28 rental apartments in six buildings, which will be designed both for the more vital senior citizens who can look after themselves but prefer to have other services close at hand, as well as for young families with children and, last but not least, for employees. The north-south orientation of the apartments will ensure plenty of light at all times of the year, while preventing the apartments from overheating in the strong western sun. All apartments will have loggias.
The multi-storey apartments and upstairs apartments will be rented out to employees of the medical center, nursery and retirement home. The benefit of fine and affordable housing in close proximity to the workplace will help us to attract quality professional staff.
Several apartments are reserved for the short-term accommodation of retirement home caregivers, who will be able to rest between shifts in the immediate vicinity of the workplace. At the same time, they will be an organic part of the community in which they work and live.
For seniors and vulnerable citizens, we plan to open a social and health care integration agency that will coordinate social and health care services to best benefit clients.
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