
Dobrodina Bernolákovo

The community social service project Dobrodina (the name comes from “dobro” meaning good and “rodina” meaning family) aims to offer to the village of Bernolákovo as well as to all of Slovakia a unique and natural fusion of different groups that can help each other and create a lively community built on traditional values of respect, understanding and help for the weaker.

Dobrodina will be a place where the elderly in need of assistance will find housing and care, and the community apartments will accommodate their vital peers and the staff. Right next door, we will hear the chatter of preschoolers in the nursery, and there will be a medical centre that will look after the health of the community, as well as our neighbors in the village.
Historically, Dobrodina is a continuation of the Rodina fellowship, which established an orphanage in this community in the 1920s, and later added services for senior citizens. After World War II, however, the orphanage was nationalized and the property confiscated. It was not until 1991 that it was returned to the ownership of the Baptist Union of Slovakia, and only recently have we found a suitable use for the vacant land from this inheritance. We rely on God’s help and the help of many benefactors who have chosen to support this project. We believe that as Christians, we are called to show mercy for our neighbors – especially for those who are sick and lonely, and bring goodwill and compassion regardless of the times, which is why we are embarking on this daunting project.


1 floor

Retirement home

A: 3 floors
B: 2 floors
4072 m2

Community housing

2-3 floors
1868 m2

Medical center

3 floors
1301 m2

Účelové zariadenie RODINA
Súľovská 2
Bratislava, 821 05

Tel. +421 903 311 822